Thursday, July 15, 2010

cold with position jitter

I have re-run the scenario where I define equally spaced positions, define the velocities according to the unperturbed position, and then added a 20% perturbation to the particle positions. This is in contrast to the run I showed you before, where I perturbed the position first, and used the perturbed positions to define the velocities. The result seems to be consistent with what we were finding with warm simulations, namely that the slope of the inner profile is flatter than for the cold simulations. If I understood Walter correctly, these conditions are effectively "cold," (though this sort-of confuses me), so this is a somewhat surprising result. Here is the plot:

There is a minor caveat, something went wrong with my run, and only 5 of the 6 instances of the initial conditions ran. I don't THINK I have a mix-up in my book-keeping, but it's odd that the run did not continue, and I am re-running from scratch just to double check.

1 comment:

  1. I double checked and reran these runs, the plot is unchanged.
