Saturday, January 8, 2011

Warm IC's on power law density profile.

Okay, I am finding this officially weird.  I initialized the particles with a power law density profile of $x^{-0.5}$ and $x^{-0.8}$.  These were cases which, in the cold runs, maintained their scaling, even though particles collapsed inward.   I added a 5% random velocity perturbation, making these runs slightly warm.  I expected a flattening to happen in the middle, but no such thing.  See here, initial and final states for the the 0.5 case:

And now here for the 0.8 case:

The spikes that are occurring are now starting to get worrysome... it means that either there are two density maxima occurring in this system, or for some reason my code that computes the offsets is not working correctly for these runs.  Since these are averages of 6 runs, it might be only one run which has not been centered properly, but since we really want to be looking at the central regions, it's important to make sure.   One thing to notice: the particles don't seem to be collapsing inward the way they have in other runs, which could again indicate a problem with recentering.  I will look into that next, but I wanted to share these preliminary results.

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