Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Energy distribution movies

I made some stills of the energy distribution of the other particles and they were un-illuminating because there were virtually no differences. So then I made a movie to see what is going on. Here is the first run (the gappy one that we originally saw):

And here is the movie of the second run:

Which you will note is virtually identical, though there may be just a bit more structure in the first run than the second. The weird initial feature at 2.7ish is inherited from the first stage (which was the same in both runs). It has nothing to do with replacing the particle.

The shift in the behavior of the heavy particle is related to the disappearance of this weird feature, in both of the runs. Probably if I were to run stage 1 longer, then this feature would disappear before the heavy particle gets introduced, and different heavy particles would exhibit much more similar behavior to one another. The feature is moderately long lived, many crossing times, it might be interesting to make a movie of stage 1, to see how it arises. Since I'd like to run stage 1 for longer anyhow, I can start it from 0 again and dump out often enough to make a movie.

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