Monday, May 31, 2010

big long run follow up

I reran the 2nd stage of the run with 20k particles and a heavy particle 20 times larger than the background particles. The only thing that changed here was the initial particle that was chosen. The results look qualitatively different, the energy diagram is monatonic this time, although there is still a feature at around 200 ATUs. The movie was more or less unilluminating (there did not seem to be a gap cleared out this time, or at least less so... but it is harder to see the heavy particle b/c it's farther in and the contrast is bad. Sorry.).

Here it the evolution of the heavy particles specific energy.

I also looked at a few stills form the previous run to see if I could find evidence for hte gaps we thought we could see in the movie. I was mostly just spot checking, but it's kindof hard to see when the red guy is not moving around. Here are a few example stills:

Energy distributions for the background particles forthcoming. But I am wondering if this is happening partly because the backgorund was still winding, not virialized yet (became clearer to me in looking through these stills). Maybe I'll run the background 2x as long before releasing the heavy guy, and see if there are qualitative differences.

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